The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PMUS) are a set of actions that aim to implement more sustainable forms of displacement in the urban space (walking, pedaling or using public transport), reducing energy consumption and polluting emissions, achieving same time guarantee the quality of life of the citizenship.
They are oriented to the local area and put people at the center of these actions, bearing in mind that mobility needs are determined by a series of physical, social, economic or cultural factors that vary according to the moment.
In our locality, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan approved in 2009 is in force with the consensus of all the Municipal Groups.
It is a text that consists of 163 pages and reflects various aspects of the reality of the municipality regarding the transit of vehicles in the urban area, the transport habits of the residents of Yecla, the use of public transport, as well as measures to promote this type of transport or improve and expand the bike lanes and also mobility on foot.
This current Plan foresees the creation of a commission constituted by the political groups with representation in the Town Hall and by the municipal technicians, in order to analyze the progress made in terms of the objectives set.
However, to date, this Commission has not met, and the only follow-up that has been carried out has been the number of passengers that use the city bus annually.
The Municipal Group of United Left-Green considers that the analyzes and studies entrusted by the initial Plan to the mentioned commission of follow-up are of great importance to update the situation of our locality as far as the needs that in matter of mobility have the population, especially considering that ten years have passed since that initial approval.
That is why the revision of the SUMP should be done starting from the current reality of our city and using all existing means of citizen participation, such as information and communication technologies (ICTs), as well as the intervention of the various associations .
One of the new circulation models that is now presented in the cities, and Yecla is no exception, are the electric scooters, as we anticipated last week.
There are many Yecla and Yecla who this past Christmas have received this vehicle as a gift, which surely will mean a greater transit of these devices through our streets.
It is necessary to remember that some fatal accidents have already occurred in other locations in which these electric scooters have been involved, so it is necessary to regulate their use, so that the integration of these vehicles can be achieved as an alternative to mobility. sustainable.
In short, we propose to convene the monitoring committee of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan to assess the achievement or otherwise of the planned objectives and mobility needs of our city, as well as to study the new reality of the use of scooters electric
Source: IU-verdes Yecla