The zebra crossings of our city are in an unfortunate state.
Thus, there are many streets in which the visibility of them is zero or very poor.
This circumstance is serious because it can cause accidents that endanger the physical integrity of pedestrians.
The large amount of signaling of this type that is damaged is striking.
There are pedestrian crossings affected practically in all the cardinal points of our town.
Thus, some of these signs have even been erased completely and have been without visibility for months.
From IU-Verdes we believe that the cause is a neglect of the Government Team that puts more interest in making good press headlines than in effectively managing the maintenance of our streets.
In addition, we have sent the local government a non-exhaustive list of zebra crossings that need urgent action.
Thus, the Government Team has no excuse to start acting immediately.
However, the total list of signalings that are impaired is much more extensive.
Therefore, from the Municipal Group of IU-Greens of Yecla we have requested in writing to the Government Team that an urgent repainting of the most deteriorated zebra crossings of our city be carried out and that said repainting equitably covers all areas of Yecla .
Examples of crossings with deteriorated steps:
-C / Antonio Machado with C / Historian Miguel Ortuño
-C / Historian Miguel Ortuño with C / Francisco Castaño
-C / Cruz de Piedra with C / Concepción
-C / Painter Miguel Palao with C / Hospital
-C / Hospital with Soap
-Various zebra crossings of Barrio del Sol
-C / Epifanio Ibáñez with Carnicería
-C / Miguel Palao with C / Spain
-C / Cura Ibáñez with Avda / Pablo Picasso
-C / Zaplana with Avda / Pablo Picasso
-C / Francisco Castaño with Avda / Pablo Picasso
-Almost all the steps of the C / Salzillo
-C / Arcipreste Esteban Díaz with C / Francisco Castaño
-C / Zaplana with C / Francisco Castaño
Source: IU Verde