From IU-Verdes we denounce that the Marcos Ortuño Government Team has the Las Teresas industrial estate in a state of abandonment.
A city like Yecla that bases its economy on the industry cannot afford the bad image that this business area currently has.
Hundreds of representatives and commercials visit the industrial areas of our city every week and have to endure the bad image that Yecla projects with the deterioration of these spaces.
The most widespread circumstance in Las Teresas is the poor state of many sidewalks that are raised by the trees, due to the poor design of the alcorques and the original choice of woodland typology.
But, it is also usual the lack of cleanliness of the streets and the absence of maintenance of the asphalt in different points of the polygon.
In addition, it highlights the unfortunate state of the sports courts that are often used by hundreds of neighbors every weekend and that have to suffer from the lack of lighting, the deterioration of the baskets and the lack of cleanliness of the facilities.
For all this, from United Left-Greens we demand that the Popular Party order to carry out the relevant technical studies and include items in its next budgets to repair the industrial estate and improve its image.
Source: IU-verdes Yecla