In turn, he asks for the start-up of a working group that carries out a diagnosis of the city, as well as the creation of a Local Council for the elderly.
The World Network of the World Health Organization (WHO) of Cities and Communities Adapted to the Elderly was established to promote the exchange of experiences and mutual learning between cities and communities around the world.
This project is based on the premise that a friendly city is one that facilitates its citizens to age actively;
the one that projects its structures and services so that all people, regardless of their age, abilities and abilities, enjoy good health and live safely by participating actively in all areas of social life.
The cities and communities of the Network have different dimensions and are located in different parts of the world.
The local councils acquire the commitment to make a diagnosis of the municipal reality, which once analyzed should lead to the development of a plan that addresses the necessary improvements, all seeking the participation of this sector of the population in our town .
At Izquierda Unida-Verdes we believe that a community is friendly to the elderly when it recognizes its diversity, protects the most vulnerable, promotes its inclusion and contribution in all areas of community life and anticipates and responds to the needs and preferences related to it. with aging.
However, it is necessary to admit that this paradigm of active aging, has suffered in recent years a process of certain trivialization and has been associated with any activity aimed at the elderly that had a "positive" or "activist" approach, becoming a qualification that is associated with programs where a role of mere spectator, consumer or user is granted to the older person, leaving aside their facet linked to the involvement in the activities and in the decision making process.
Older people have the right to participate actively in a comprehensive way in society, which means that they can not remain mere objects of attention and administration, but must be present in social and political dynamics.
The great potential of this population sector must revert to the welfare of society.
These people are already generators of well-being, helping their children in the care of their grandchildren, financially supporting their families, protecting our system by mitigating social problems caused by high unemployment or forming part of associations and voluntary organizations.
We therefore believe that it is necessary to implement an action plan "Yecla friendly city with the elderly" to develop transversal policies that promote a comprehensive change in which the aging population group occupies its rightful place, due to its contribution in the construction of a modern society, where they have an indisputable role as support to the welfare state, which also generates wealth and provide essential values ​​for the people who make it up.
Among the areas that WHO considers should be the subject of analysis and programming are outdoor spaces and buildings, housing, respect and social inclusion, social participation, or social and health services.
In the design of this action plan it is of course essential the participation of the group of older people through a Local Council.
This Council will be the one that will have to indicate what municipal actions are necessary, indicate, for example, if improvements are needed in the municipal centers for the elderly and if the current model needs to be renewed, betting on a more participatory one and according to their needs or evaluating the municipal services addressed to them, always with the perspective of their strengthening.
Source: IU-verdes Yecla