The Department of Environment has sought the necessary materials to schools and nurseries has provided a pre-school children
The City Council wants to encourage children's environmental spirit entrusting the care of seeds that they themselves yeclanos reforest the mountains in autumn.
Pupils from three schools (Giner de los Ríos, El Alba and La Pedrera) and count from this month to nurseries in native plants germinate to be used in the upcoming municipal reforestation campaigns.
Previously, the City Council personnel have been taught in class some theoretical notions about local flora and plantations, and also instructed to show in the nursery of each school how to plant native seeds.
The City Council is also responsible for providing, among other materials, the organic substrates necessary, containers for plants and planting their own seeds and maintenance which will cover children up to their planting in the fall in some mountain groups.
Each specimen is labeled to identify their student is responsible, will be responsible for planting in one of the reforestation campaigns that the council organizes school after the summer.
The Councillor for Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Miguel Macho, notes that this initiative, dubbed "Project Nursery ', aims to" raise awareness and respect for the plants of our mountains. "
"Children create bonds of affection and responsibility towards plants when they are involved in planting and care to introduce themselves in nature," says Buck.
The activity is being carried out mainly students in third and fourth grade of the three institutions mentioned.
At least one more school, Méndez Núñez, will join the initiative in the coming months.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Yecla