Agents of the Police Headquarters of Murcia belonging to the local police station of Yecla in collaboration with local police officers in the same city, have arrested the author of several burglaries committed in the country inhabited this area during recent months and various effects have been recovering stolen.
The arrest was carried out by analysis of the modus operandi of several robberies in recent months in isolated areas of the town and various specific devices provided for that purpose.
As a result of the foregoing, in the early hours of last December 5 could catch the perpetrator as he was preparing to raid a house located in the hamlet of Fuente Alamo.
The detainee is a Spanish man of 46 years old, resident of the town of Villena, a criminal record for similar offenses.
Following the arrest and as a result of subsequent research, it was possible to determine the responsibility of the detainee in two other robberies in homes inhabited similar to the previous field.
In addition, the detainee is accused of a crime of Animal Abuse, after finding that to avoid to alert owners of the houses they intended to steal, seriously wounded one of the dogs guarding the property.
The speed of the efforts has enabled us to recover all the stolen effects in the three robberies clarified.
Efforts are still practiced to try to determine the origin of other items also found in the possession of the prisoner.
The prisoner was taken to court on the 7th December.
Source: Jefatura Superior de Policía de Murcia