United Left-Greens presented tomorrow Yecla "The Zocata", a bimonthly newsletter that includes local information, opinion and features on current affairs.
The objective of UTI-Green is that "Zocata" become "a real forum" in which citizens can express their opinions and learn about the activities of the municipal group.
"We want the magazine to be a gathering of people on the left, to report on the actions of this organization and the issues that most affect us in this globalized world."
The first issue of the newsletter includes an article on media imperialism by Javier Couso, brother of Jose Couso, a reporter killed in 2003 by a U.S. tank attack.
It also contains an editorial that discusses the election results and several articles related to the birth of the Platform for People Affected by the Mortgage, unemployment and the "threat" posed by nuclear power Cofrentes in Valencia.
Every edition will feature a report on topics of general interest, in the first issue is organic farming, while the back is dedicated to recommending books and advice on energy saving or alternative media.
With "The Zocata" IU-Green takes over the "slide", a publication directed this political group in the 90's, this time as well as spread on paper, are included in the IU-Blog Green Yecla and facebook.
The presentation of the magazine will take place tomorrow, February 8, at 11.30 am in the house of Culture of Yecla.
Source: IURM