European Commissioner Joaquin Almunia held a working meeting with the delegation of the PSOE Murcia, in which yeclanos Juan Chinchilla and David Castillo made the case and why the needs of Yecla PSOE has proposed a Strategic Plan for our city Industrialization .
Almunia stressed that "to stop the bleeding industry should bet on specific projects such as re-industrialization that has been raised for Yecla based research and R & D + i, which have driven once European action lines by Solidarity Fund. "From the experience of the European Commissioner," you should go on line to promote action plans to establish roadmaps in industries that have been hit by the crisis such as the furniture in Yecla, and we must face the situation considering that the growth pattern will be wrong if you rely on productivity, since we have an overview of emerging countries with which it is impossible to compete and terms of labor costs. "
Joaquin Almunia explained to the delegation that PSRM socialist "Spain needs industrial strength to remain a front line and this requires industrial restructuring activities to design, quality and value-added exports, targeted and internationalization of products. "
The Commissioner recommended that the Socialists yeclanos to continue its proposal and advised, as the MEP of the Committee on Industry Pepa Andres both through the European Regional Fund to support programs experiences as the Solidarity Fund EU aid can purchase items from Brussels to the projects implemented, facilitating contacts the PSOE of Yecla tema.Al to deepen this respect, both the Socialist leader Murcia, Rafael González Tovar, as the Socialist Party spokesman Regional Assembly, Begoña García Retegui, aimed to continue to insist on the proposal before the passivity shown by the Partido Popular to bring the proposal to debate this initiative calling for Yecla as "a priority for the socialist project with which we want to regenerate this region. "Finally, the Secretary General of the PSOE in Yecla, Juan Chinchilla, has described this series of meetings in the European Parliament as" very satisfactory, since in these days of very intense work we have claimed many of the major issues affecting important to our city politicians at European level, with which we have taken commitments and contacts to continue the search for targets for Yecla, and we have also accessed and acquired a range of knowledge and information that are going to be very important when address proposals for our city. "
Source: Grupo Municipal Socialista/ PSOE de YECLA