The Councillor of Finance, Alejandro Palao, accused of lying yeclanos socialists and Murcia said 125,000 euros would pay in interest, it was hiding the costs of delay and default interest.
Socialist councilors and Consuelo Dominguez Salvador Santa has come out of the council of finance statements, Alejandro Palao, who accused the Socialists of lying about the remission of default interest and regional debt who stated that the Community would pay about 125 thousand euros in interest.
For Dominguez "is unclear who is actually lying. Indeed, the Community will pay 125,000 euros in interest but financial, ie deferral costs, but the default interest are forgiven in the third clause stipulating that the City of Yecla waiver and default interest in the case had claimed that the waiver of such claim. "
For Dominguez "alarming statements Alejandro Palao as either lying or is showing that not even read the agreement they signed with the Community".
Meanwhile, Salvador Santa stressed that "this government team smokescreens constantly check on what the opposition says: If a building has denounced smitten, is a lie, if we say that the virtual office is not operational, lies, and if they have forgiven denounce default interest to Murcia, which is still lying. really here who resorts to lies and confusion is this team permanently government reiterate, has forgiven the default interest to the detriment Valcárcel yeclanos all ".
Source: PSOE Yecla