For a family with a person with ASD is very important to be oriented and able to track the progress of their child, and to be informed of their progress and set targets.
It is also very important to follow the same criteria in different social environments.
and thus promote the advancement of children and adolescents, by intervention specialists.
Training is essential primarily in family and educational environment, in both cases it has to be prepared enough to know how to deal with certain situations.
Therefore we plan to dig out a Parent School and in turn try to raise awareness to the educational community.
And of course encourage more training for skilled professionals as a potential volunteer.
It is one of our goals to defend before the government policy forecast, Treatment and Rehabilitation and Integration of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
And offer advice and support efforts of any social sphere:
Advice to Parents with deficiencies or lack of choice in education.
Administrative arrangements.
Advising on the Training and Employment Integration.
Information and Management Grants and Scholarships etc.
Promote the Social Inclusion of our children in all social aspects.
TEA Yecla is the Association for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Its main purpose is to promote wellness and quality of life for people with ASD and their families during different stages of his life.
Acquiring a commitment to any Social Intervention Field.
What are disorders
Autism Spectrum?
The ASD is a broad term commonly used for a number of neurological disorders that compromise three main areas, deficits in social interaction and reciprocity, communication problems, and patterns of behavior or restricted interests and repetitive.
Symptoms, which usually results in a functional impairment are evident in early childhood, often before 3 years of age.
Autism has to be seen as a continuum of possibilities, as a SPECTRUM in which presentations are highly heterogeneous, meaning that individuals with the same diagnosis may vary greatly in their external features (depending on the level of involvement in social development components , linguistic communication, flexibility and symbolization, the presence and degree of cognitive impairment, etc..).
We do not know yet what the specific etiologies of autism (which is its clear biological cause), but around the world continue to conduct multiple investigations focused on autism.
Its Treatment:
The essential treatment for people with ASD is psychoeducational, consisting of: Working the basic strategies of interaction.
Encourage verbal or nonverbal communication by teaching resources or communication techniques.
Teaching games mechanisms and make them interested by them.
Teaching daily living skills to enable them to acquire greater personal autonomy.
Teaching through pretend play and other forms of representation of reality to know, cope and adapt to new situations and avoiding inappropriate behavior.
Promote personal independence by autonomy habits that will help them become less dependent and independent in daily life.
Helping to control maladaptive behaviors, rituals, stereotypes, self-harm, using techniques appropriate behavioral and cognitive control Working emotional intelligence and psychomotor etc.
From this association we initially need to give some services and activities that help them interact and learn strategies for better social interaction focused on proper inclusion with their peers, and in order to develop greater personal autonomy.
As can be:
Initiation aller the Game:
Therapy Ludotecas
orkshops Social Skills.
Leisure activities for children and adults
Psychomotor aller.
Homework Support.
Sports activities tailored
And other activities Social Inclusion.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Yecla