The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Planning, through the Directorate General of Planning has proposed creating a center of architecture and interpretation of wine in the management guidelines of the District of Highlands, in the first meeting Today's Forum of Participation in the Shire.
This meeting has been submitted to the towns of Jumilla and Yecla and government sectoral interests involved in this territory the status of work being undertaken by the Directorate General of Planning.
The purpose of these management tools is the best regulation of uses and activities in the territory, in the towns of Jumilla and Yecla, according to criteria supra.
From Model Present Territorial County, prepared with a comprehensive data collection and analysis of these and Perceived Model, which includes public participation, this paper develops a Proposed Model Land.
These guidelines take the form of strategic actions that include creating a center of architecture and interpretation of wine, a leisure center of attraction paleontology, geology and mining, a sports center and similar experiences, an interpretive center of Monte Arabi, a interpretation center Coimbra del Barranco width, and actions in the castles of Yecla and Jumilla.
Regarding the actions dynamization, the model envisages the improvement of vegetation cover the reorganization of water resources, protection of specific areas of geological hazards; increasing power generation sources endogenous regeneration of districts, improving urban cores, and actions on the landscape.
Finally, the structural axes affect the road network, improving communications and the connection of ecotourism trails, water supply, and improved energy transmission.
After an exhibition of work, has opened a round of questions to collect the necessary inputs from the public administrations and agencies involved.
In turn, they have undertaken to provide various documents with a view to the final drafting of the Guidelines and Plan of Land in the Region of the Altiplano.
Source: CARM