Councilman Police, Traffic and Public Safety, Juan Miguel Zornoza has reported that 9.6% of drivers subjected to alcohol tests by the local police in the last year, circulated at a rate higher than allowed by the legislation.
3.6% of these drivers circulating committing a crime.
Almost all of the 93 arrested for these offenses have accepted the sentence requested by prosecutors and have been sentenced to terms ranging from 3 to 6 months or a fine prrisión 6 to 12 months, work on community benefits, 31 90 days and deprivation of driving license for 1 to 4 years.
This type of offenses committed by 95% of cases on weekends.
It is also on weekends when more arrests have been made (60% of arrests) and especially the nights of the weekend.
All these data are part of a comprehensive report of the Chief of police of Yecla made once met, on 30 November, a year after the entry into force of latest amendment of the Penal Code which directly affects the road safety.
Councilman traffic has explained that the local police will continue with this preventive work, doing sobriety checkpoints, especially on weekends, to enforce the existing laws and ensure that people who commit these crimes against road safety to be removed from moving by what is improving the security of other road users.
It doubles the number of disabled spaces
Councilman and Traffic Police, has reported further that the council was required from the Association of Physically Handicapped Yecla to submit a report on the needs of disabled parking spaces that they cherished in our city.
After receiving the report of this association and dela after investigation by local police, Juan Miguel Zornoza explained that they will double the number of disabled parking spaces in our city, since the current 27 seats are moving to a total 53.
This will guarantee the existence of a parking space reserved for the disabled in all schools, sports facilities, and areas of special business (supermarkets, pharmacies, health centers ...)
Source: Ayuntamiento de Yecla