The Municipal House of Culture reports:
On the occasion of holding the book fair TRAKAGUAKA Theatre Group POETS OF Public School "Giner de los Ríos" in collaboration with School of Music, the Friends of Music will stage the work entitled "Trakaguakas Carmen Gloria Fuertes and Gil. "
Wednesday 20 May.
Location: Lecture Hall of the Municipal House of Culture.
6 pm.
Free entry to cover capacity.
The play is the recital of a number of poems and riddles of two Spanish-known authors: Gloria Fuertes and Carmen Gil.
The poems are interpreted by children so that she will recite a few verses while the rest of the group will accompany and interpret them through gestures and sounds.
The topics covered in the poems revolve around the modernization of our traditional stories and literary characters, a comical and fun approach.
We also include performances that address reasons of solidarity, awareness, acceptance of differences, tolerance, respect for the environment and pollution rejection.
The play lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Riddles, with a duration of 3-4 minutes may be suppressed due to the difficulty of interacting with the audience on stage separated from it significantly.
The costumes will be according to the characters that children interpret.
We can also accompany a large mural with the names of the authors and small illustrations.
The group that is the theater company "Trakaguaka Poets" is a total of 22 children.
The same applies to one group of third year primary CEIP "Giner de los Ríos" in Yecla, Murcia.
The group is performing works for school theater, internally, from the 2006/07 school year today.
Title: "Trakaguaka Poets with Carmen Gloria Fuertes and Gil"
Authors: authors of the poems recited, Gloria Fuertes and Carmen Gil, mount the work, Virginia García Soriano.
Approximate running time: twenty minutes.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Yecla