Organized by: Department of Employment and Training, through the Local Development Agency in collaboration with the Association of Young Entrepreneurs in the Region of Murcia - AJE
Dates: Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hours: 9.30 to 12.00
Venue: Auditorium of the Municipal House of Culture Yecla
Seminar Contents:
The business idea
Business planning
The search for funding
Legal forms for registering a company
The administrative procedures
Obtaining grants and subsidies offered by the Administration to entrepreneurs
Improve specific training demanded by entrepreneurs to start their own business projects
Update knowledge about the business to ensure the success of the business or enterprise
Registration: Local Employment Center for Women and Youth, First Floor of the City of Yecla.
Tlfnos.: 968 75 41 00-968 75 11 35 / Ext: 271-276
Comment: free for all participants
Source: Ayuntamiento de Yecla